Tips to Improve Your Credit Score After a Bankruptcy in Arizona

Many people assume bankruptcy means they will lose everything and it should only be used as a last resort.  The reality is bankruptcy is designed to give you a fresh start with a manageable path to keep your home and car.  People also assume that bankruptcy destroys their credit for good.  It is important to […]

Understanding Marijuana DUI Laws in Arizona

RSN Law - Marijuana DUI Laws Arizona

The recreational use of marijuana is now legalized for residents of Arizona, but similar to Arizona’s laws pertaining to driving while under the influence of alcohol, the laws pertaining to impaired driving also do not permit people to drive under the influence of any drug including marijuana.  Many people are under the mistaken impression that […]

Drastic Changes to Arizona Child Support Guidelines Coming January 2022 – Courts Must Now Consider “Significant Disparity of Income” Between Divorced Parents

Effective January 2, 2022, Arizona has adopted new Child Support Guidelines which may help equal the playing field between divorced spouses with disproportionate incomes.  Beginning in 2022, Courts will now be forced to consider modifying the existing child support payments if “a significant disparity of income exists between the parents.”   By way of background, Arizona […]

Arizona Marijuana Laws Update: Expungement of Marijuana Offenses Starts July 12th

Arizona Marijuana Laws Update Expungement Process

The passing of Arizona Prop 207 in last year’s election made recreational marijuana legal in the state and included a provision for those with certain past marijuana offenses to have those citations expunged from their record.  To facilitate the expungement of past marijuana offenses, the State of Arizona and many counties within, have set up […]

RSN Law founding partner Rob Rutila feature article on How to Deal Legally with Remodeling or Construction Defects in AZBigMedia

home remodel in arizona

RSN Law Founding Partner Rob Rutila published an article on AZBigMedia on how to deal with remodeling and construction defects in Arizona. Read the full article here: Contact RSN Law at 480-712-0035 today for legal issues with a remodeling or construction project in Arizona or make an appointment on our contact us page.

Common Misconceptions and Questions About Bankruptcy Law in Arizona

bankruptcy law misconceptions

There are many common misconceptions about declaring bankruptcy in Arizona.  Those people considering bankruptcy often have similar questions that stem from the misunderstanding they will be forced into giving up everything they have in order to pay off their debts.  Declaring bankruptcy can actually protect some of your most valuable assets and provide you an […]

What You Need to Know About Arizona Spousal Maintenance Statutes and Alimony Laws

arizona spousal maintenance statutes

Most people are familiar with term alimony.  Unless you’re from Arizona and you’ve gone through a divorce, you might not be familiar with term spousal maintenance.  It’s effectively the same thing.  The spousal maintenance statutes and guidelines in Arizona detail what the court will consider during divorce proceedings to determine the appropriate alimony payments.  If […]

Understanding Your Rights in an Arizona Landlord Tenant Dispute

Arizona Landlord Tenant Dispute

Whether you are a landlord or tenant, there are likely to be legal issues or questions that will arise during the normal course of your lease.  The Arizona Residential Landlord Tenant Act governs the rights and obligations of both parties in agreements for standard rental housing in the state. To help simplify understanding your rights […]